Comments from Previous Certification Attendees

 While Valerie’s been off at the lake, I’ve received a lot of emails from people who would like to hear from last year’s certification graduates. Here are a few of the many unsolicited emails Valerie received from recent grads: 

I wanted to thank you for everything you have included in our certification course. At first, I thought this was a costly course but you truly continue to over-deliver. Already our Website is looking the best it ever has (as we continue to implement the great marketing techniques we learned from your information and teleclasses). My business is steadily growing and I can see a huge leap about to occur as I launch another “profit center” thanks to your materials, classes and leadership! You really have put together a package that works. Keep up the great work and inspiration!
Teresa Proudlove

I just wanted to say that I love the classes… For years I have been clipping articles and writing down a slate of business ideas – many more than I can launch in one lifetime…but now I realize that these may be good for my clients at some point and I now see that I have been an “opportunity analyst” for a while – but your exercises are forcing me to stretch my limits and think even bigger and they’re also giving me what I have been lacking – the knowledge of how to move my ideas forward and help me help my clients figure it all out too – I love it!!! Thanks!
Susan Baker

I just wanted to take minute and let you know how much I am enjoying this course… I have been circling around it for years and for various reasons and fears haven’t moved forward full steam. Somewhere inside I think I still didn’t believe that people would actually hire me or find me believable.  I am so impressed with all of the information we have received and the caliber of guest hosts that you have included in the curriculum. I feel so much more prepared and informed than I ever have before. Of course I suspected I would feel this way because I have watched you for years and have always been impressed, which is why I signed up in the first place, because I knew I would learn lots, especially about marketing and sole proprietorship.
Lynn Burkholder

I’m totally pleased with how everything is going even though it all needs tweaking – this is such fun!!!  I just got a call from a group of stay-at-home moms who want a 2 hour program at one of their monthly meetings. 
Jane Kirsch

Again, we have temporarily closed registration for the program while Valerie’s at the lake; however, if you just can’t wait to reserve your spot, contact me at Lisa@ChangingCourse.comTo your dreams,
Lisa Tarrant
Vision Implementation Manager

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