Good News and Your Free Gift

Maybe it’s the “pathological optimist” in me. But I’d rather deliver good news than bad news any day.

So after telling you on Tuesday that the Fast Track Your Dream Community was going to close to new members tonight (Thursday) at 9:00 I’m happy to be able to deliver both good news AND a free gift.

To quickly bring everybody up to speed…

Apparently my announcement that we are on track to fill all 200 member seats caught a lot of people off guard. Since then I’ve been bombarded with requests to open up more spaces.

Just to be clear, I’d like to help everyone who wants to get out of job jail to do so. Helping people like you to figure out what you love to do and then coming up with a concrete plan to make that happen is the whole reason I started the Fast Track Your Dream Community.

Again, the main reason why I had to limit the number of people who could join Fast Track was to make sure that the Outside-the-Box Career Consultants could handle the volume of questions on the Q&A Forum. After all, the whole point of making a team of consultants available was to make sure that everybody’s individual questions get answered.

Well I’m happy to tell you that despite a whopping 338 posts in less than a week, the “Dream Team” has been able to rise to the challenge… and then some. In fact, in most cases they’ve been able to answer individual member’s questions in less than 24 hours.

Burned out workers from Australia to Alaska have been getting personal advice on everything from how to make a living doing what they love… to what to do about an unsupportive spouse…to whether it’s better to launch an idea as a non-profit or as a for-profit enterprise.

So here is the good news…

Given the ability of the Fast Track coaches to meet demand, I’ve decided to open the community to an extra 100 members. I should tell you though that I already promised Barbara Winter that I would hold back 50 of these seats for her “people.” So basically that leaves just 50 spots for Changing Course folks.

The way things are going I know even these additional seats probably won’t be enough. But to be fair to everyone (and to make sure I have enough lines for the Tele-seminars) it’s the best I can do.

Oh, and about that gift…

I know some of you might like a little more information before you take the plunge. So I dipped into the Fast Track Tool Kit to put together a free “Information Will Set You Free” Special Report.

The free report covers some common questions and concerns about changing course, like…

>> Having trouble picking that one passion to pursue? Use the handy worksheets to put the “Power of Multiple Income Streams” to work for you – starting today.

>> Forget all that nonsense about how, “It takes money to make money.” Learn what it really takes to make money doing what you love. (The answers may surprise you.) And speaking of money…

>> This Special Report includes some surprisingly good news for the aspiring self-bosser on dealing with health insurance and taxes. For instance, you’ll hear straight from the Internal Revenue Service why the cost of your membership in Fast Track could qualify as your very first tax deductible business expense.

To get your free gift click here:

Like I said, worse case… if it turns out that you can’t get into Fast Track, at least you’ll have another tool you can use to try to get there on your own.


Again since we have an even more limited number of phone lines for the live “Jumpstart Your Dream” Tele-seminars I am posting the dates for the first three seminars here:

FYI, if you want to attend the January 31st class – even if you already enrolled in Fast Track – you still need to register for a seminar seat in advance.


There Has to Be More to Life Than This! Finding the Money, Time, and Courage to Quit Your Job and Get a Life, Wednesday, January 31st 8:00-9:30pm Eastern Time


Turning Interests into Income: The 5 Hidden Places to Look for Income-Generating Ideas Tuesday, February 27th 12:00-1:00pm Eastern Time


Marketing for New Entrepreneurs: How to Market Your Product, Service, or Expertise on a Shoestring Budget, Monday March 26th 12:00-1:00pm Eastern Time

To get one of the additional 50 places in the the Fast Track Your Dream Community go to:

To your dreams,


p.s. Launching Fast Track has been pretty all consuming. I haven’t gone grocery shopping for a couple of weeks now and I need to rest my painfully over-used “mouse hand.” So if you’re trying to reach me with a question about Fast Track I promise to get back to you as soon as I return from running some very long overdue errands. Just so you know, because of the situation with my hand, the answers may be shorter than I’d like but I will try to do my best. I hope you understand.

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